Getting to know the agriculture of the countries of the world

Fruit planting in Angola is increasing and the country’s authorities hope to become a major fruit exporter in the world market in the future. A number of Angolan entrepreneurs have also started investing in this field

Adrito Kustha, the Sultan of Pitaya or Dragon Fruit, and Yodo Borges, the Sultan of Angolan Strawberries, are both among the pioneers of this field in Angola due to their interest in innovation and perfectionism, as well as their mastery of agricultural technology and work development.

Cultivation of dragon fruit in Angola and export to the world

Yodo Borges, who has been called the strawberry king of Angola, runs a large farm in the province of Huila, located in the southwest of Angola.

“We have the best conditions for growing strawberries,” he says. It is 2000 meters above sea level and the winters are dry, which is a big advantage because we start harvesting in winter.

“We don’t have many harmful pests and fungi and we irrigate our land with spring water.”

We use fertilizers to grow dragon fruit such as Dap fertilizer and animal manure.

The temperature in this part of Angola

The temperature in this part of Angola is perfect for agriculture in all seasons and does not exceed 29 to 30 degrees even in the hottest summer days. He has trained his local workforce with the help of experts from South Africa and during the harvest season, he sells approximately 2.5 to 3 tons of strawberries to the markets of the capital every week.

Adrito Coseta, the king of Pitaya of Angola, brought pitaya or dragon fruit from Brazil to Angola 12 years ago and started cultivating it in his country. He, who owes his nickname to a radio program, says: “I have never seen dragon fruit before in my country. Later, I saw the method of growing, harvesting and selling it, and of course I realized the many benefits of this fruit for health.”

Due to its reputation, Kushta tries not to use chemical fertilizers and produces healthier fruits. He says: “Any fruit, be it mango, pitaya or pineapple, if it tastes good, it has been produced in a natural way.”

Wanderley Ribeiro, president of the Angolan Agricultural Association, believes that his country has a lot of potential to be an exporter of pitaya and other fruits.

He says: “We have people among our generation today who are not only concerned with the demand of the local market. Therefore, today we are looking at the global fruit market and we are looking to see what quality the market wants in this field.”

One Response to Cultivation of dragon fruit in Angola and export to the world
  1. One of the fruits that has many properties is this fruit


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