Iran and Kazakhstan on the highway of bilateral cooperation

Iran’s Ministry of Jihad and Agriculture, Mohammad Ali Nikbakht, in a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, while expressing his satisfaction with the progress of the talks between the two countries’ joint cooperation commission, said: “This way of negotiations and the results obtained show the will of the two countries and officials in the comprehensive development of relations in It has different fields.

Cooperation between Iran and Kazakhstan and trade agreements

At the same time, he added: the president of Iran emphasizes the priority of economic cooperation and trade and commerce relations with the neighbors, and today’s results of this joint commission are a proof of the determination of the two countries in securing national and common interests based on the friendship of nations.

The Minister of Jihad and Agriculture of our country called Iran’s progress in the last 45 years remarkable and stated: Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is in various fields, including; Healthcare, education, drug manufacturing, treatment of various diseases and acceptance of medical tourism are leading countries in the region.

Nikbakht continued: Such developments in the complex industries of Gasoil export refineries, in the petrochemical industries of Iran urea fertilizer and dap fertilizer, and high-tech industries in Iran are produced by experts and skilled human resources.

Referring to the meeting of the first round of the 19th meeting of the joint commission of cooperation between Iran and Kazakhstan, the Minister of Jihad-Kashvarzi said, emphasizing again on the agricultural potential of our country: “Besides the significant progress, we are considering some limitations with mutual communication based on national and common interests with friendly countries.” and to solve the neighbor and through synergy with the friendly country; Kazakhstan, agricultural relations in the sub-sectors; Expand fisheries, aquaculture in cages and shrimp farming in the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

He stated that a part of the country’s red meat needs, which is currently supplied from Brazil, can be replaced with Kazakhstan and said: 90% of the need for this product is supplied from domestic production, and we want to supply the rest of our needs from Kazakhstan in the form of a protocol. .

Nikbakht considered the country’s climatic limitation and low rainfall as an obstacle for the production of some inputs such as corn and soybean meal and suggested: products; Barley, corn and soybean meal worth 20 million tons per year are imported, and this can be the subject of cooperation between the two countries.

At the end of this meeting; The cooperation document of the 19th session of the Joint Commission on Cooperation between Iran and Kazakhstan and the roadmap for commercial relations between the two countries up to 3 billion dollars was signed by Mohammad Ali Nikbakht and the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

It should be noted that in this meeting, the memorandum of understanding on metrology cooperation between the Iran Standard and the Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology and the sanitary-veterinary procedures and requirements for the trade of heavy livestock meat from Kazakhstan was signed by the representatives of the two countries of Iran and Kazakhstan.

One Response to Cooperation between Iran and Kazakhstan and trade agreements
  1. So I think this agreement is good news


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